Wikipedia - a great resource for everybody
Today I'm gonna talking with you about Wikipedia . Everybody should know it. If not, I'll tell you something about.
The aim of Wikipedia project is to create a free common, worldwide-shared, cultural resource, that everybody can reach through Internet. Knowledge today is attacked by each kind of oppressive power, such as economical, political interests - but not only them; against this threat, and against the spreading ignorance, Wikipedia Team has built up this unbelievable site, where EACH OF US is able to give their little part. You can translate an article from whatever language into yours, and viceversa.
You are even able to add articles: if you are well experienced in something, you can create an article about it, and add it to Wiki database. Just be aware of one thing: if you are saying wrong things, be sure that somebody will soon read and correct your article. So, don't loose your face, take care of what you're writing about!
As you see, you may join and help this community through many ways. And one more: you can contribute to Wikipedia projects through money donations. I have a Paypal account, so I've been able to do it on my own.This is a very short introduction, I know, but I don't want to bore you anymore.
If you're interested in, now you know how to reach it.
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